Opel Vectra B

since 1995 of release

Repair and car operation

Vektr B. Opel
+ 1.1. Governing bodies and control devices
- 2. Maintenance
   + 2.1. Weekly checks
   - 2.2. Maintenance of petrol engines
      2.2.1. Introduction
      2.2.2. Technical characteristics
      2.2.3. Periodicity of service
      + 2.2.4. Each 75 000 km or 6 months
      - 2.2.5. Each 30 000 km or 2 years Replacement of a filtering element of the air filter Replacement of the fuel filter Check of level of oil in MKPP Check of level of oil in AKPP Steering and suspension bracket
      + 2.2.6. Each 60 000 km or 4 years
      + 2.2.7. Each 2 years irrespective of car run
   + 2.3. Maintenance of diesel engines
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Heating, ventilation
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. Systems of start, ignition
+ 7. Transmission
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. Running gear
+ 10. Body
+ 11. Electric equipment
+ 12. Main malfunctions

5645d6d1 Steering and suspension bracket


Check of a forward suspension bracket and steering

Lift a forward part of the car and reliably fix on supports.

Visually examine antidust covers of spherical hinges and protective covers of reechny steering transfer on existence of cracks, attritions and aging. Any wear of these covers will lead to loss of lubricant and the water and dirt hit, coming to an end with fast wear of spherical hinges or steering transfer.

Check hoses of the mechanism of the amplifier of a steering on an istiraniye or aging, and also pipes and connections of hoses on leaks. Also check on leak signs under pressure protective rubber covers of steering transfer which point to damage of consolidation of a steering.

Check on wear of the bearing of a nave

Lift the car a jack, take a wheel hands in the provision 6 and 12 of hours and try to shake it in the vertical plane.

Very small люфт wheels it is admissible, but if люфт rather big, further check is necessary to establish a source. Continue to swing a wheel while the assistant presses a foot brake. If люфт it is eliminated or it is considerably reduced that, it is probable that nave bearings are damaged. If люфт it is still considerable with the pressed brake, means there is a wear in connection and suspension bracket fastening.

Now take a wheel in the provision 9 and 3 of hour and try it to shake in the horizontal plane. Existence люфта in the horizontal plane can be caused by wear of the bearing of a nave or spherical hinges of steering draft. If external or internal spherical sharnirny connection worn-out, люфт will be obvious.

Using a big screw-driver as the lever, check wear in plugs of fastening of a suspension bracket between an element of a suspension bracket and an appendix point. Some movement should be observed, as plugs of fastening are made of rubber, but excessive wear should be obvious. Also check a condition of any visible parts of rubber plugs on cracks, wear and deformation.

Shock-absorber check

Check the shock-absorber on any signs of liquid leaks. If leak is found, therefore, the shock-absorber is damaged and demands replacement.


Shock-absorbers are necessary for changing in pairs on one axis.

Efficiency of the shock-absorber also is checked by pressing a corner of a body and a sharp otpuskaniye. The body should come back to a starting position after its otpuskaniye. If the body rises above a starting position and that continues to be shaken, possibly, the shock-absorber located from this party, failed and is subject to replacement. Also check shock-absorber fastening on wear.

Check of a protective cover of a power shaft

Lift and carefully fix the car on supports. Turn a steering wheel to the right or to the left against the stop and twist a wheel.

Check of a protective cover of the hinge of equal angular speeds

Examine rubber protective covers of hinges of equal angular speeds, compressing them for disclosure of bends. Check them on existence of cracks which can lead to leakage of greasing, and also to penetration in water and dirt.

Also check a condition of fixing collars, examine covers of internal hinges and casings on the other hand. If any damage is found, it is necessary to replace a protective cover immediately.

At the same time check the general condition of hinges of equal angular speeds, holding a shaft and at the same time trying to turn a wheel. Repeat attempt, holding the internal hinge of equal angular speeds and turning a shaft. Any appreciable люфт points to wear of the hinge, wear in grooves of a shaft or unscrewing of a lock nut of a shaft.